How To “Justify Self” in Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides developers with a set of predefined classes to style their HTML elements. One of the many layout utilities it offers is the ability to control the alignment of an individual element along the inline (or row) axis of its container, which is known as “justify-self” in CSS Grid. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use the justify-self utility in Tailwind CSS to fine-tune your layout designs.

Understanding Justify Self

Before diving into the Tailwind-specific implementation, it’s important to understand what justify-self does in standard CSS. The justify-self property is used within a CSS Grid layout to align an item inside its grid cell along the row axis, which is horizontal by default. It overrides the justify-items property set on the grid container.

The possible values for justify-self are:

  • start: Aligns the item to the start of the grid area.
  • end: Aligns the item to the end of the grid area.
  • center: Centers the item inside the grid area.
  • stretch: Stretches the item to fill the grid area.

Using Justify Self in Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS provides a set of classes that correspond to these justify-self values. To use them, you need to be working within a CSS Grid layout. Here’s how you can apply the justify-self utility classes in Tailwind:

Step 1: Create a Grid Container

First, you need a grid container. You can create one using Tailwind’s grid utilities:

<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
  <!-- Your grid items will go here -->

Step 2: Apply Justify Self to a Grid Item

Now, you can apply the justify-self utility to any child element of the grid container:

<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
  <div class="justify-self-start">Start</div>
  <div class="justify-self-center">Center</div>
  <div class="justify-self-end">End</div>
  <div class="justify-self-stretch">Stretch</div>

Each child div will be aligned according to the class you’ve added.

Tailwind Justify Self Classes

Tailwind provides the following classes for justify-self:

  • justify-self-auto: Inherits the container’s justify-items alignment.
  • justify-self-start: Aligns the item to the start of the grid area.
  • justify-self-end: Aligns the item to the end of the grid area.
  • justify-self-center: Centers the item inside the grid area.
  • justify-self-stretch: Stretches the item to fill the grid area.

Responsive Design

Tailwind also allows you to apply justify-self utilities at different breakpoints. This means you can change the alignment of an item based on the screen size:

<div class="justify-self-start md:justify-self-center lg:justify-self-end">
  Responsive Item

In the example above, the item will be aligned to the start on small screens, centered on medium screens, and aligned to the end on large screens.

Common Questions

Can I use justify-self with Flexbox in Tailwind?

No, justify-self does not apply to Flexbox items. It is specific to CSS Grid. For Flexbox, you would use justify-content on the container and align-self on the items.

What if justify-self doesn’t work?

Make sure you are using it within a CSS Grid container. Also, check if you’ve accidentally applied conflicting alignment utilities or if there’s an issue with specificity in your CSS.

How do I learn more about CSS Grid and Tailwind?

To learn more about CSS Grid, you can refer to the MDN Web Docs. For Tailwind-specific information, the Tailwind CSS Documentation is an excellent resource.


Using the justify-self utility in Tailwind CSS is straightforward once you understand how it works within a CSS Grid layout. By applying the appropriate classes to your grid items, you can control their horizontal alignment with ease. Remember to take advantage of Tailwind’s responsive utilities to ensure your layout looks great on all screen sizes. With this guide, you should now be able to justify elements like a pro using Tailwind CSS.


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