Bulma vs Chakra UI

When it comes to building modern web applications, developers are often faced with the decision of which CSS framework to use. Among the many options available, Bulma and Chakra UI have emerged as popular choices for front-end development. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the features, benefits, and differences between Bulma and Chakra UI to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Introduction to Bulma

Bulma is a free, open-source CSS framework based on Flexbox. It’s known for its simple and clean design, which can be easily customized. One of the main goals of Bulma is to provide a strong foundation without JavaScript dependencies, making it an ideal choice for developers looking for a purely CSS-based solution.

Popular Third-Party Addons for Bulma

  • Bulmaswatch: A collection of themed skins for Bulma.
  • Buefy: Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma.
  • React-Bulma-Components: React components for Bulma.

Introduction to Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a simple, modular, and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications with ease. Unlike Bulma, Chakra UI is not just a CSS framework but a complete set of React components that are designed with ease of styling and theming in mind.

Popular Third-Party Addons for Chakra UI

  • Chakra UI Icons: A set of popular icons packaged as Chakra UI components.
  • Chakra UI Pro: A set of premium components and templates to accelerate development.

Feature Comparison

Design Philosophy

Bulma’s design philosophy is rooted in simplicity and responsiveness. It provides a clean and minimalistic look that can be easily customized with Sass variables.

Chakra UI:
Chakra UI focuses on simplicity and accessibility, offering a suite of components that adhere to the WAI-ARIA standards for accessibility. It also allows for easy theming with its default theme scales based on the System UI Theme Specification.


Bulma offers a wide range of CSS-only components, such as:

  • Columns
  • Navigation bars
  • Forms
  • Buttons
  • Tables
  • Modals
  • And more…

Chakra UI:
Chakra UI provides a comprehensive set of React components that cover:

  • Layout components (Box, Flex, Grid, etc.)
  • Form controls (Input, Checkbox, Radio, etc.)
  • Navigation components (Menu, Tabs, Breadcrumb, etc.)
  • Feedback components (Alert, Progress, Toast, etc.)
  • And more…


Customization in Bulma is primarily done through Sass variables, mixins, and functions. You can change the design to fit your brand by tweaking these variables.

Chakra UI:
Chakra UI offers a ThemeProvider component that allows for easy customization of colors, typography, and component sizes. You can extend the default theme or create your own from scratch.

Code Samples

To illustrate the differences between Bulma and Chakra UI, let’s look at how you would implement a simple button component with each framework.

Bulma Button

<!-- Bulma Button -->
<button class="button is-primary">Click Me</button>

To customize this button in Bulma, you would typically adjust Sass variables before compilation or write additional CSS classes.

Chakra UI Button

// Chakra UI Button
import { Button } from '@chakra-ui/react';

function App() {
  return <Button colorScheme="teal">Click Me</Button>;

With Chakra UI, you can easily change the color scheme using the colorScheme prop without touching the CSS.

This first half of the article has introduced both Bulma and Chakra UI, discussed their philosophies, compared their features, and provided code samples for a simple button component. In the second half, we will delve into more advanced topics, including responsiveness, community support, and real-world application examples. Stay tuned for the continuation of our in-depth comparison of Bulma vs Chakra UI.

Responsiveness and Layout

Bulma Responsiveness

Bulma is built with a mobile-first approach, using Flexbox to create a flexible and responsive grid system. The framework divides the screen into 12 equal columns, and developers can use classes to specify how many columns an element should span across different screen sizes.

<!-- Bulma Responsive Columns -->
<div class="columns">
  <div class="column is-half-mobile is-one-third-tablet is-one-quarter-desktop">

In this example, the div will take up half the screen on mobile, a third on tablet, and a quarter on desktop devices.

Chakra UI Responsiveness

Chakra UI handles responsiveness through an array syntax or object syntax for style props, allowing you to apply different styles at different breakpoints.

// Chakra UI Responsive Box
import { Box } from '@chakra-ui/react';

function ResponsiveBox() {
  return (
    <Box width={["100%", "50%", "25%"]}>

Here, the Box component will be full width on mobile, half-width on tablets, and a quarter width on larger screens.

Community and Ecosystem

Bulma Community

Bulma has a vibrant community and a significant presence on GitHub. There are numerous resources, including extensions and plugins, created by the community to enhance the framework’s capabilities. The ecosystem includes design templates, UI kits, and integrations with various JavaScript frameworks.

Chakra UI Community

Chakra UI has quickly gained popularity, especially among React developers, due to its focus on simplicity and accessibility. The community contributes to the growing collection of components, tools, and resources that complement the core library. Chakra UI also has an active Discord channel and a GitHub repository where developers can collaborate and share ideas.

Real-World Application Examples

Bulma in Action

Bulma is used in a wide range of websites, from small personal projects to large-scale enterprise applications. Its simplicity makes it an excellent choice for rapid prototyping and production-ready interfaces. Here’s a sample code snippet for creating a navigation bar with Bulma:

<!-- Bulma Navbar -->
<nav class="navbar">
  <div class="navbar-brand">
    <a class="navbar-item" href="/">
      <img src="logo.png" alt="Logo">
  <div class="navbar-menu">
    <div class="navbar-start">
      <a class="navbar-item" href="/about">About</a>
      <a class="navbar-item" href="/services">Services</a>

Chakra UI in Action

Chakra UI is particularly well-suited for building complex, interactive UIs with React. Its component-based architecture allows for easy reuse and theming. The following is an example of creating a modal with Chakra UI:

// Chakra UI Modal
import { Modal, ModalOverlay, ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalFooter, ModalBody, ModalCloseButton, Button, useDisclosure } from '@chakra-ui/react';

function ExampleModal() {
  const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure();

  return (
      <Button onClick={onOpen}>Open Modal</Button>

      <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose}>
        <ModalOverlay />
          <ModalHeader>Modal Title</ModalHeader>
          <ModalCloseButton />
            {/* Modal Content */}
            <Button colorScheme="blue" mr={3} onClick={onClose}>
            <Button variant="ghost">Secondary Action</Button>


In the comparison between Bulma and Chakra UI, we’ve explored their design philosophies, component offerings, customization options, responsiveness, community support, and real-world applications. Bulma stands out for its CSS-only approach and extensive use of Flexbox, while Chakra UI shines with its React component library tailored for accessibility and ease of theming.

Ultimately, the choice between Bulma and Chakra UI will depend on your project requirements, your development environment (whether you’re using React or not), and your personal preference for styling methods. Both frameworks have their strengths and can be excellent choices for modern web development.

Before making a decision, consider experimenting with both Bulma and Chakra UI to see which one aligns best with your workflow and the needs of your project. With their strong communities and extensive documentation, you’ll be well-supported no matter which framework you choose.

More Bulma Comparisons


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